Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Healing Powers of Peppermint

Peppermint is known to be one of the oldest herbal remedies, and is also considered one of the safest herbs when used as a tea. It is very strengthening for both the heart and the stomach. While coffee and black tea have been accused of hindering digestion, peppermint tea can actually aid in digestion, and unlike coffee - peppermint does not cause constipation. Coffee is known to cause weakening of the heart and nerves, in contrast with the healing powers of peppermint, which actually acts to strengthen the heart muscle and nerves, even relieving and preventing heart palpitations and other heart troubles.

Peppermint is an herb favored pregnant women as well, as it will allay the symptoms of morning sickness, calming the stomach and helping to prevent nausea. For women suffering frequent headaches, two to three strong cups of peppermint tea is considered highly effective and much safer than aspirin and other drugs, producing no known side effects. The essential oils of peppermint can be inhaled to relieve headaches, a powerful aromatherapy cure. When used in conjunction with white willow bark, it can be invaluable in relieving headaches. Peppermint is a cleansing herb, and can prevent the growth of certain types of bacteria, as well as cleanse and strenthen the whole body. It is useful in cases of fainting and dizziness, restoring natural warmth and glow, and preventing relapse.

The minty herb is a general stimulant, helping with digestive and stomach troubles including colic, flatulence, nausea and vomiting, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and diarrhea. and aids in the production of an enzyme in the liver that helps to detoxify the liver. If a tea is not available, or is not preferred, the leaves can be chewed and swallowed, greatly aiding in digestion. Peppermint has also been used historically for fever and chills, influenza, cholera, hysteria, and dysentery.

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